¿Lleva acento esta palabra?

¿Lleva acento freté?

fre - té

La palabra freté lleva tilde en la 2ª sílaba "té"

La palabra freté, con vocal tónica en la segunda "e", LLeva acento.

Las palabras agudas acabadas en 'n', 's' o vocal llevan tilde.

Ejemplo de uso de la palabra freté

[...] benjamin franklin's letters to madame helvétius and madame la freté. front cover. benjamin franklin, luther s. livingston. printed at the harvard university  [...]

[...] titus maccius plautus, louis havet, andrée freté. les belles lettres, 1925 - 118 pages. 0 reviews. reviews aren't verified, but google checks for and  [...]

[...] ricardo freté. comunidad latinoamericana de escritores, 1974 - 183 pages. 0 reviews. reviews aren't verified, but google checks for and removes fake content  [...]

[...] thomas costa freté. books on demand, jun 23, 2021 - poetry - 36 pages. 0 reviews. reviews aren't verified, but google checks for and removes fake content  [...]

[...] translated by, andrée freté, louis havet. publisher, belles lettres, 1925. length, 179 pages. export citation, bibtex endnote refman  [...]

[...] translated by, andrée freté, louis havet. publisher, les belles lettres, 1925. length, 118 pages. export citation, bibtex endnote refman  [...]

[...] andrée freté. société d'édition "les belles lettres", 1930 - comedy - 68 pages. 0 reviews. reviews aren't verified, but google checks for and removes fake  [...]

[...] editors, andrée freté (latiniste), louis nougaret, louis havet. publisher, les belles lettres, 1932. length, 35 pages. [...]

[...] translated by, andrée freté, louis havet. publisher, société d'édition "les belles lettres", 1925. export citation, bibtex endnote refman  [...]

[...] translated by, andrée freté, louis havet. publisher, société d'Édition "les belles lettres", 1925. original from, the university of california. [...]

¿Lleva tilde freté?

fre - té

La palabra freté lleva acento en la 2ª sílaba "té"

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